Friday, 14 January 2011



Short film themes tend to be generally, on the common themes that are in today's society and sometimes concerning things that are in the news. If we take the example of Fede Alavarez then we can see how it deals with the common fears of today's society and what is happening in the world. The fear of an invasion is emitted through this short and therefore it feeds of this to create a certain reaction from audience watching this. The audience should therefore be able to relate to the theme that comes across in the short film. A similar issue is dealt with in Tom Harper's 'Cherries' were today's society is fixated on the constant negative views given to male youth of today's, therefore by focusing on this in a boys school, as seen in the film, then it provides a dystopian possibility for the near future to come.

There have been films concerning multiculturalism, social realism which could include crime and off course everyday life. Moreover some examples of these short films include 'Sign Language' by Oscar Sharpe using a more documentary style approach into the daily life of a sign post holder, this uses specific techniques such as breaking the 4th wall to make it more personal. Another example is that by Tom Harper in the short film 'Cherries' which again focuses on the common aspect of a boys school, such as the boy fights and the need to rebel against one another and teachers. These short films all include, and have links to, the themes dealing with what is common in the society in which people live in today.

As we are concerned with British Identity our short films need to include some elements of British identity, whether it be as a theme or a the way that is constructed. If we take the example of 'Veronique' by Patrick Bergh which contains elements of a Rom-com which can be connected to some well known British Rom-Com's such as Notting Hill, where they both deal with a another culture mixing in with the British culture. Therefore by trying to introduce multiculturalism in a short film can possibly be a theme for which to include in our on film.

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